Wednesday 30 August 2017

5 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Heating The Home

5 Mistakes Homeowners Make When Heating The Home

This isn’t your first winter, you know what to do – but do you know how to do it without breaking the bank? Below you will find five mistakes that homeowners often make when heating the home in the autumn and winter months (and in San Diego it’s most likely the spring, too).

1. Blasting the heat to warm up a cold house quickly

It’s natural to want to turn up the thermostat to the max as soon as you get in the house to warm it up faster, but thermostats don’t quite work that way. The heater will warm up and heat the home at the same rate regardless of whether you set it to 65 degrees or 85 degrees. It will only end up costing money in the long run.

2. Turning the thermostat way down at night

This tip works a lot like the first one. If you set the thermostat too low at night, you’re likely to wake up in the morning and blast it to warm up a frigid home, which will hit you in the wallet. Turn the thermostat down when you get into bed, but keep it at a comfortable level that will not be too drastic in the morning.

3. Overworking the thermostat

If you set the temperature to 75 degrees and the thermostat is reading a maximum of 69 degrees, don’t set the thermostat to 80 degrees to push the matter. This problem means that the furnace or ducts need repair, or they have to be replaced altogether. Do not force the furnace to work beyond its capacity because you can end up in a cold house overnight.

4. Closing the shades when it’s sunny

Keep your curtains open as much as possible on sunny days, especially in south-facing windows. Although it’s still frigid outside, the sun’s rays can do wonders for heating your home and giving your heating bill a break. Keeping the windows clean and free of film and dust can also contribute to lower heating bills.

5. Not sealing the windows

You will most likely not need to open the windows in cold months so lock and seal them. Sealing windows insulates the house and keeps your furnace heat in while keep cold air out. Skipping this one can really hit your wallet even if your home feels cozy and you don’t feel the cold air coming in.

San Diego HVAC by Progressive Heating & Air is your best choice for heating and cooling.

AC Repair San Diego - (858) 529-5050 San Diego Air Conditioning Repair from Ryan Holden on Vimeo.

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