Wednesday 30 August 2017

Tips on Furnace Self-Inspection

Tips on Furnace Self-Inspection
Furnace inspection and repair is best left to the professionals for many reasons. However, all homeowners should know their way around the furnace to check for safety and operational issues.

It’s important to conduct some rudimentary tests in the off-season so you’re not surprised in the dead of winter. When inspecting the furnace, start with the filter. Check it often and replace it if it is dirty. Replacing a nasty filter is the easiest things to fix and it removes one of the biggest issues in a furnace. A dirty filter doesn’t sound like a big deal, but the air that circulates through your home and into your lungs goes through these filters.

A dirty filter also means restricted airflow, less heat dissipated from the heat exchanger. This makes the furnace to run hotter, which causes premature issues or even a break down. Check to make sure supply registers are open and unobstructed because too many closed off registers can cause the furnace not to operate properly.

Turn on the furnace and give it a good run. Don’t crank it up, but turn it on a little warmer than you would normally set it. Leave the furnace running for 15 minutes and check the duct-work above the furnace. Put your hand on the duct-work to feel that it is hot, but not too hot. You should be able to rest your hand without it causing pain.

These are some basic tests that are good to conduct and can help a homeowner become more knowledgeable on a very important part of the house. It is still impossible to replace regular professional inspection (about once a year, especially before winter). A professional is trained to diagnose furnace issues. Car owners should know how to change a flat tire, but cars still need annual check ups.

If you require assistance with furnace inspection or repair contact Progressive Heating & Air for a free no obligation quotation today.

1 comment:

  1. wow
    thanks for sharing this great content. I found some new great ideas for furnace inspection
