Wednesday 30 August 2017

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Heating Costs Down

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Heating Costs Down

Whether we like it or not … colder weather is coming. Home heating costs can be outrageous, which means making smart decisions about your home’s heating system can have a big impact on your utility bills. Take a look at these tips to learn how to decrease your home’s heating costs this winter!

1. Thermostats

If you live in a multi-level home, it is important to take a look at your thermostat settings in order to manage your home heating costs. By monitoring multiple thermostats, you can adjust the temperature as necessary. Take a look at the time of day – if there’s a lot of natural sunlight coming in, you probably don’t need your thermostat set on high. The same idea applies to things like how much you’re using the floor and if you have guests over. While it might seem like an insignificant change, you can actually save 5 to 15% a year on your heating bill if you turn your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees for just 8 hours a day.

2. Windows

Take advantage of your windows by keeping the blinds or shades open when it’s sunny and closed if it’s shady or nighttime. If you have the opportunity to upgrade your windows to energy-efficient windows, it can help keep your heating and cooling costs down. Consider maximizing the energy efficiency in your home; you’d be surprised what a difference it makes throughout the entire year.

3. Vents

Sealing air ducts to rooms that are not being used or rooms that get infrequent traffic (i.e. bathroom, laundry room, closets, guest or storage rooms), lets you decrease the number of rooms that need heat. This gives rooms that are in use more of the heat, than if you would have let the heat go to all rooms.

4. Clothing and Blankets

While it may seem extreme to say that you should invest in warmer clothing and fuzzy blankets, doing this can actually help keep costs down. Not that you have to be bundled up like you’re walking into the Artic Circle or anything, but wearing appropriate clothing in your house allows you to adjust your thermostat even further. Keeping blankets around lets family members or friends keep warm if they are feeling a little chilly, too.

5. Ceiling Fans

While it might seem counter-intuitive to turn on your ceiling fan in the middle of winter, it can actually make your home warmer. By setting your ceiling fan to spin clockwise, it blows rising hot air down towards you, making you warmer. This saves you the trouble of having to increase the temperature of your thermostat by providing you with a steadier flow of heat in your rooms.

6. Insulation

If you have the choice, or the opportunity to add insulation to your walls and attic – do this. This allows your home to retain more of your home’s heat without costing you anything on your bill. Up to 25% of your home’s heat is lost through small cracks and holes throughout your home, updating insulation can help you for the long-term.

7. Upkeep

It’s important to make sure that your home heating is working efficiently, which is why it is extremely important to have a professional inspect your system before you even turn the heat on. A poorly maintained system can add costs at a rate of 1-2% per year. Cleaning or replacing furnace filters often during the heating system is also very important because it lets the furnace do its job without using so much energy.

Progressive Heating & Air
8637 Jenny Ave
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 529-5050
License #997079


  1. The Little Magic Box company owe me my money back. I was promised a product that would reduce my energy bills by 70%. Instead my electric bill has gone through the roof.

  2. If any one facing furnace issues i would love to suggest for furnace inspection
